Welcome to Journey Through the Bible, a website focused on studying Biblical scripture, history, and themes in an effort to develop a spiritual understanding through God and His Word. My name is Adele and I recently decided to embark on a journey to read through the entire Bible start to finish, from Genesis to Revelation. Each week I will summarize the scripture I've read and offer helpful insights to strengthen one's faith and better know God. From time to time I'll also post topical articles related to Christianity, archaeology, and scripture. I invite you to join in on this journey and post your insight from the scriptures and your personal walk with God.
Schedule and Topics:
I was recently gifted a very nice study Bible by my Aunt, which offers many devotional plans and suggested scripture. Each week I will go through the daily readings starting with Genesis Chapter 1 with an end goal of finishing the Bible in its entirety within two-years. I could possibly speed the process up, but for now I'll stick with the two-year plan as my goal isn't simply to finish the Bible, but to understand what I'm reading and I think it's better to focus in on the text versus speed reading.
If you are looking for a viable option for finishing the Bible quicker I suggest "The Bible in Ninety Days." Essentially you read twelve chapters per day and finish within three months. The guidebook and devotional is a great complement to this Bible Study as well.
In addition to the weekly reading from the chronological order of the Bible, I will also focus in on three weekly Lectionary passages taken from the Old Testament, Epistles, and Gospel in coordination with the Sunday calendar.
Things you will need...If you want to follow me on this journey I suggest investing in a good study Bible. The NIV version is very good and offers insightful footnotes, and is fairly affordable through Amazon. If you cannot invest in a Bible, there are lots of great resources on the web, where you can access scripture and find devotional information. I recommend Bible Gateway, an online site with complete biblical texts from over 100 various translations.
Another great resource is Halley's Bible Handbook, a sort of Cliff's Notes to the Bible with excellent insight on the scripture, it's context and symbolism.
Topics: Our main focus will be on the Biblical Text and how the Holy Spirit speaks through scripture, however occasionally I'll post entries on Christian art, archaeology, book reviews on relative reading, along with history related to the Bible and Christian faith.
In a subsequent entry I'll post the monthly readings, along with my blogging schedule.
A Question of Faith:
A little about me. I was born and raised in Raleigh NC. I grew up attending a local Presbyterian Church. I currently attend the Episcopal Church. I do not classify my faith in terms of denomination, but rather the fact that I'm a Christian. I think all denominations from Catholic to Lutheran to Episcopalian to Methodist and Presbyterian all follow the tenets Christ laid out for us in the New Testament. I think that in order to live a fulfilled life in Christ it's important to establish a personal relationship with him through the Holy Spirit, attend services when you can as fellowship is important in strengthening faith and community, and of course read the scripture - as the Bible is a guidebook inspired by God to help us understand Him and His place in our lives, and our purpose in this world.
I've been blessed in that from an early age I had a understanding and faith in Christ. I know for some faith is a struggle and it's not as easy to believe in something you cannot see or fully understand.
God gave man brainpower and an understanding of reason and the ability to use it in worldly things: science, history, writing and language. I think the first step towards embracing the Word of God and his existence is first understanding that God is not of this world. God created this world and created everything in this world, but God is out of this world, a supernatural presence and the divine being. That can scare off some, as they reason 'if I can't see it, feel it, or understand it in earthly terms - then how can it be real?'
First it's important to understand that God transcends worldly things, and his presence extends the human spectrum of understanding. Submitting to the idea that God is out of this world and we as humans cannot fully grasp everything about his presence is a first step to embracing His truth. This is a leap of faith, but if you can let go having to fully understand how God works, and simply that he exists is a first step.
On a second point, I think it helps to look at the world around you and you will find God. I love to hike and enjoy nature. When on a walk you notice how miraculous things in even the tiniest leaf. Of course being people with rational minds we tend to assume just because something is logical or works within structure it can't come from God's creation. If you think about that argument it doesn't make sense. The universe and the world, which we live in is a system of parallels and definite contrasts - I don't know about you but I find it illogical to think that the earth and the Universe is so exact simply by random combustion and without the hand of a divine draftsman. If anything everything would be more random and unstructured, from the stars, to the seasons, to the lifespan of the butterfly, etc...I no scientist, but when you see such extreme beauty and creation in the world around you, so perfectly constructed, like a painter analyzes his palette so is the world...I think it's easy to find God in nature and within our lives if you are willing to let go of rationalizing and embrace the simple understanding that God created this world.
I think those who bash Christianity don't really understand its tenets. Ignorance can often lead to fear of understanding something like religion. Christianity at it's core is about love, compassion, hope, forgiveness and understanding - universal themes for any race, creed or person on this earth. Many see God as vengeful something we'll examine in the Old Testament readings, but even when God shows his ire and wrath within that justice is compassion and forgiveness for even the worst sinners. Remember that God is loving and cares for you. When we sin of course we are doing wrong against God, but he offers us salvation in spite of our ways to ensure we have a spot in His eternal kingdom in heaven.
Whether you come in as a devout believer, a person searching for answers, or a skeptic, I invite you to join me in studying the Bible!
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